The 22th ACM Symposium on Document Engineering

2022 to 2022
San Jose, CA, USA

Presentation Guidelines for Authors


Submission Information

DocEng is a single track conference attended by a community of academic and industrial researchers. At least one author for each paper or application note and all workshop organizers and presenters must register to attend DocEng 2022. All papers must conform to the ACM SIG Proceedings format.

Each submission must fit in one of the following categories:

Papers must describe unpublished work that is not currently submitted for publication elsewhere. Submitters should also be aware of ACM’s Policy and Procedures on Plagiarism.

All submissions will undergo a rigorous single blind review process considering the originality of work, the quality of research or analysis of experience, the relevance to document engineering and the quality of presentation of ideas.

Submission of the Camera-ready paper: Please ensure the following when you submit the final paper to EasyChair Proceedings.

  1. You have included the ACM CCS information in your paper. Instructions are in the sigconf LaTeX template.
  2. Ensure that your pdf file has Type 1 fonts (scalable), not Type 3 (bit-mapped). All fonts MUST be embedded within the PDF file.
  3. Please submit a .gz or .tar file including the pdf version and the source LaTeX or Word files. ACM requires the source files for generating HTML content in the Digital Library.
  4. In the next few days we will proof read the camera ready versions and email you with specific instructions if some corrective action is required for your paper. Kindly respond to this within 48 hours, so as not to delay the publication process.

Submission of Auxiliary Material (Full papers and Short papers):

All auxiliary material should be submitted in a folder called "aux" or "auxiliary" within the .gz or .tar file submitted with the pdf and source files of the paper.

Auxiliary material may include videos, survey text, experimental protocols, source code, data and any other material which may help with the replicability of your work. Any non-video auxiliary material should include a "README" file with a description of the materials. Auxiliary material will be uploaded on the ACM digital library with your paper. Please keep in mind that not everyone who reads the paper will necessarily view the auxiliary material, so your submission must stand on its own, and will be reviewed as such.

Video figures do not have a specified limit for duration, although we recommend staying within 10 minutes.

Submission of Supplemental Material (Application Notes only):

All supplemental material should be submitted in a folder called "sup" or "supplementary" within the .gz or .tar file submitted with the pdf and source files of the paper.

Supplemental material may include for example, a video of the planned demonstration or other audio-visual content that helps a reader understand the system or application. It forms an integral part of the published paper and reviewers are instructed to view this material as part of the reviewing process.

Video figures do not have a specified limit for duration, although we recommend staying within 10 minutes.