The 20th ACM Symposium on Document Engineering

September 29, 2020 to October 1, 2020
San Jose, CA, USA

Call for Workshop & Tutorial Proposals

Help DocEng bring new and exciting areas of research to the document engineering community by proposing a workshop!

As in previous years, we plan to hold one day of tutorials and workshops before the start of the main conference. We would like to distinguish between tutorials and workshops. Workshops provide a setting in which to develop visions and exchange ideas in a specialized field of interest. Tutorials are held by a domain expert and introduce a current topic of interest to symposium attendees. Tutorials can provide a survey of recent literature on the topic, and/or a graduate-level treatment of the topic.

DocEng is looking for workshops and tutorials that are cutting edge, accessible to a wide audience, and delivered by world-class speakers. Workshop and tutorial proposals in all areas of document engineering are encouraged, especially those related to the theme of the conference.

Workshops and tutorials will be held on Tuesday, September 29, 2020.

Each tutorial proposal must include:

  1. Title of the tutorial
  2. Organizer name(s) along with contact information, short biography, and selected publications
  3. Description of the tutorial and duration: half-day (3 hours) or full day (6 hours)
  4. A description of previous tutorial experience and past versions of the tutorial
  5. Rationale for the tutorial including the importance, timeliness, and novelty of the tutorial and how it can introduce new tools, ideas, and topics to the document engineering community
  6. Outline of the tutorial (e.g., will it have a single speaker, a laboratory component) and description of material to be presented
  7. Description of the virtual format and tools required

Each workshop proposal must include:

  1. Title of the workshop
  2. Organizer name(s) along with contact information, short biography, and selected publications
  3. Description of the workshop and duration: half-day (3 hours) or full day (6 hours)
  4. A description of previous workshop experience and past versions of the workshop
  5. Rationale for the workshop including the importance, timeliness, and novelty of the workshop and how it can introduce new tools, ideas, and topics to the document engineering community
  6. Outline of the workshop
  7. Details of the workshop logistics (e.g., will it have a PC and who will they be, will it have proceedings)
  8. Description of the virtual format and tools required

We plan to publish all workshop proceedings in the ACM digital library as an appendix of the DocEng proceedings.

Important Dates

Workshops Tutorials
proposals due July 5, 2020 proposals due July 5, 2020
acceptance notice July 31, 2020 acceptance notice July 31, 2020

Evaluation Criteria

Workshop and tutorial proposals will be peer-reviewed based on the above information.


Please contact with any inquiries.

To submit a workshop/tutorial proposal please send an email to with a 1-2 page PDF attachment, which answers the above mentioned questions.