The 25th ACM Symposium on Document Engineering

September 2, 2025 to September 5, 2025
Nottingham, UK

Call for Papers

The 25th ACM Symposium on Document Engineering (DocEng'25) seeks original research papers that focus on the design, implementation, development, management, use and evaluation of advanced systems where document and document collections play a key role. DocEng emphasises innovative approaches to document engineering technology, use of documents and document collections in real world applications, novel principles, tools and processes that improve our ability to create, manage, maintain, share, and productively use these. Attendees at this international forum have interests that span all aspects of document engineering and applications.

In addition, DocEng'25 particularly welcomes contributions on the theme of Document Trust and Security. You are invited to submit original papers to DocEng'25, to be held in-person at the University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK.

Important Dates

Full Papers Short Papers & Demonstrations
abstracts due April 22, 2025 abstracts due June 10, 2025
manuscripts due April 29, 2025 manuscripts due June 17, 2025
acceptance notice June 3, 2025 acceptance notice July 15, 2025

Proceedings and post-proceedings

Accepted articles will be published in the DocEng 2025 proceedings in the ACM Digital Library.

The program committee will evaluate the technical contribution of each submission as well as its general accessibility to the DocEng audience. Papers will be judged on significance, originality, and clarity. The paper must be organised so that it is easily understood by an audience with varied expertise. The paper should clearly identify what has been accomplished, why it is significant, and how it relates to previous work.


We are excited to announce a new Demonstrations submission type for DocEng 2025! Authors are invited to submit a 2-page abstract highlighting use cases, systems, or processes focused on document engineering. This submission type welcomes contributions from both technical and non-technical practitioners, providing a platform to share experiences, insights, and recommendations for future directions in document-related innovation.

Submissions should be prepared using the ACM format. Guidelines are available at Please note that Word users should use the interim template; DocEng does not use TAPS.

Accepted papers will be presented as a talk or poster. Demonstrators will give 10-minute presentations in a demonstration session.

Papers can be submitted online at:

Symposium Format

DocEng is a single-track conference attended by a community of academic and industrial researchers. The first conference day consists of workshops and tutorials.

Relevant Topics

We seek original contributions that are mainly focused on, but not necessarily limited to, the following topics:

Relevant Topics Relevant Topics
Document Trust and Security
Documents and privacy
Document authentication
Document encryption
Secure document workflows, policy, and access, security for mobile and printing devices
Security printing, including document identification, tagging and meta-data

Machine Learning for Digital Documents
Applications of Large Language Models in Document Processing and Creation
AI in document processing and management
AI in document content analysis
Generative Systems

Digital Accessibility
Models for representing Accessibility in Documents
Interfaces for accessing document structures
Alternative User Experiences for document consumption
Document Repurposing for accessibility

Collections, Systems, and Management
Storage, indexing, retrieval, deduplication, cleansing
Enterprise content management: models and standards, scale and performance
Digital libraries: and archives preservation systems
Massive collections of documents
Systems and algorithms for safe and efficient document processing
Scalable distributed document processing

Modelling and Representation
Document models and structures: multimedia objects, graphs, trees, streams, adaptive and responsive documents, probabilistic documents
Document representation and standards: interchange standards, markup languages, style sheets
Document type representation, metadata
Linked data and semantics enrichment, linking techniques and standards
Collaborative documents and sharing economy
Document internationalisation, multilingual representations
Document Content Analysis
Structure and visual representation analysis
Linguistic and semantic (content) analysis, categorization, classification, clustering
Automated tagging, named entity disambiguation, semantic linking, automatic image captioning
OCR Error correction

Systems for Visual Document Analysis
Historical document processing
Handwritten character recognition
Recognition of images, equations, drawings, music scores and other content in document images and layout description languages
Recovery and assessing document quality from distortions and defects such as tears or blemishes
Generation, Manipulation, and Presentation
Document authoring tools and systems
Document presentation: algorithms and systems for typography, formatting and layout generation
Automatically generated documents, content customization, variable printing
Mobile platforms and documents
Document transformation

Digital humanities
Digital preservation/archiving
Open Science
eBooks and digital publishing
Web applications and systems
Mobile applications
Cyber-physical document workflows, especially electronic/print options, including 3D printing workflows

User Experience
Navigation, search
Usability, accessibility, readability, and aesthetics
Collaborative authoring and editing, curation and annotation
Workflows, integration, and interaction between human and automated processes
Culture-dependent layouts

Fair Access and Student Support

SIGWEB is committed to provide fair access and student support to its sponsored conferences by means of travel grants. Application forms will be available shortly and for more information, you may contact the DocEng SIGWEB liaison officer Steven Simske on

Additional Information

Authors Take Note

Important ACM Note