The 23rd ACM Symposium on Document Engineering

August 22, 2023 to August 25, 2023
Limerick, Ireland

Call for challenges / competitions

You can help DocEng bring new and exciting areas of research to the document engineering community by proposing a challenge or a competition!

To suggest a challenge/competition, please submit:

  1. Title of the challenge/competition
  2. Organiser name, contact information, short biography and selected publications
  3. Description of the challenge/competition and, if relevant, past versions of the challenge/competition
  4. Rationale for the challenge/competition, including the importance and relevance in document engineering
  5. Outline of the challenge/competition (e.g. what dataset will be used for evaluation? What evaluation criteria will be used? How will algorithms be collected? What programming languages will be accepted? Who will present the results during the conference?)

Challenges/competitions important dates: