Call For Papers
Doubletree Hotel, Buckhead, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
November 9-10, 2001
in cooperation with ACM SIGCHI and ACM SIGWEB
Computer-based systems for creating, distributing and analysing documents are one of the centerpieces of the new "Information Society." Documents are no longer static, physical entities. New document technology allows us to create globally interconnected systems that store information drawn from many media and deliver that information as active documents that adapt to the needs of their users. Furthermore, document technologies like XML are having a profound impact on data modeling in general because of the way they bridge and integrate a variety of paradigms (database, object-oriented, and structured document).
Document engineering is an emerging discipline within computer science that investigates systems for documents in any form and in all media. Like software engineering, document engineering is concerned with principles, tools and processes that improve our ability to create, manage and maintain documents.
The Symposium on Document Engineering (DocEng '01) is a new academic conference devoted to the dissemination of research on document engineering. DocEng '01 seeks high-quality, original papers and panels that address the theory, design, development and evaluation of computer systems that support the creation, analysis, or distribution of documents in any medium.
We, the organizers of DocEng '01, hold to an expansive notion of documents. A document is a representation of information that is designed to be read or played back by a person. It may be presented on paper, on a screen, or played through a speaker and its underlying representation may be in any form and include data from any medium. A document may be stored in final presentation form or it may be generated on-the-fly, undergoing substantial transformations in the process. A document may include extensive hyperlinks and be part of a large web of information. Furthermore, apparently independent documents may be composed, so that a web of information may itself be considered a document.
Conceptual topics relevant to the symposium include (but are not limited to):
- Document standards, models, and representation languages
- Document authoring tools and systems
- Document presentation (typography, formatting, layout) and interface design
- Document synchronization and temporal aspects
- Document structure and content analysis
- Document categorization and classification
- Document internationalization
- Integrating documents with other tools and digital artifacts
- Document engineering life cycle and processes
- Document workflow and cooperation
- Document engineering ``in the large''
- Document storage, indexing, and retrieval
- Automatically generated documents and adaptive documents
- Performance of document systems
Technology that is relevant to the symposium includes (but is not limited to):
- Markup languages (SGML, XML)
- Style sheet systems and languages (CSS, XSL, DSSSL)
- Structured multimedia (MPEG-4, SMIL, MHEG, HyTime)
- Metadata (MPEG-7, RDF)
- Document database systems and XQL
- Optical character recognition
- Type representations (Adobe Type 1, Truetype)
- Page description languages (PostScript, PDF)
- Electronic books (E-book) and digital paper
- Constraint systems
- Document transformation (XSLT)
- Document services on wireless networks (WAP)
- Document linking standards (XLink, XPath, XPointer)
- Document APIs (SAX, DOM)
The key dates for submission and review are:
- June 4, 2001
- Paper and panel proposal abstracts due
- June 11, 2001
- Full papers and panel proposals due
- August 6, 2001
- Authors notified
- September 3, 2001
- Revised camera-ready papers due
Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research papers that are not being considered in another forum. At least one author is required to attend the symposium and present the paper. Submissions must be full papers, not extended abstracts. They should be no longer than twelve (12) pages including figures, tables and references, formatted for 8.5 by 11 or A4 paper using a font size between 10 and 12 points and reasonable margins (1 inch or 2.5 cm on all sides). Electronic submission of manuscripts (details below) is required unless impossible (PDF strongly preferred, Postscript and ASCII accepted). Submissions should include the paper title, abstract of 100-250 words, names of authors, their affiliation, email address, and postal address. In addition, the author responsible for correspondence should include his/her telephone number and complete email address..
Panel organizers are invited to submit panel proposals. A panel should bring together a variety of expert voices on a topic of considerable interest. The topic may be interesting because it is controversial, because it is of great importance to society or to the field, or because it leads us to think about future directions for document engineering.
A panel proposal may be up to three pages in length. It should describe the topic of the panel and why it will be interesting to the symposium's participants. It should also list the panelists, briefly describing their expertise and should note whether any panelist's participation is tentative. (Note: as this is an academic meeting, panelists are expected to register for the symposium.)
Submission Procedure
DocEng '01 is using the CyberChair system for submission and reviewing. CyberChair uses an approach in which authors submit abstracts first and then upload the final versions of their papers. Abstracts are due by June 4, 2001, so that we can assign papers to reviewers. The full papers and panel proposals are due on June 11, 2001. (Note that this deadline is extended from the original date; no further extensions will be granted.)
To visit the DocEng '01 submission site, click here.
DocEng '01 will be held in conjunction with the 2001 Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM '01).
DocEng '01 Program Committee
- Ethan Munson, Chair, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA
- Stephen Arnold, Drexel University, USA
- David Brailsford, University of Nottingham, UK
- Heather Brown, University of Exeter, UK
- Anne Brueggemann-Klein, Technical University of Munich, Germany
- Les Carr, University of Southampton, UK
- Rick Furuta, Texas A&M University, USA
- Roger Hersch, Swiss Federal Technical Institute, Lausanne
- Jon Herlocker, Oregon State University, USA
- Rolf Ingold, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
- Peter King, University of Manitoba, Canada
- Eila Kuikka, University of Kuopio, Finland
- Hakon Lie, Opera Software, Norway
- Jonathan Maletic, University of Memphis, USA
- Robert Morris, University of Massachusetts, Boston, USA
- Charles Nicholas, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA
- Francois Paradis, CSIRO, Australia
- Tom Phelps, University of California, Berkeley, USA
- B. Prabahkaran, National University of Singapore
- Cecile Roisin, Universite Pierre Mendes and INRIA, France
- Lloyd Rutledge, CWI, Netherlands
- Luiz Fernando Gomes Soares, Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- C. M. Sperberg-McQueen, W3C, USA
- Christine Vanoirbeek, Swiss Federal Technical Institute, Lausanne
- Michalis Vazirgiannis, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece
- Anne-Marie Vercoustre, CSIRO, Australia
- Derick Wood, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
Document Engineering Steering Committee
- Heather Brown, University of Exeter, UK
- Anne Brueggemann-Klein, Technical University of Munich, Germany
- Rolf Ingold, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
- Peter King, University of Manitoba, Canada
- Ethan Munson, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA
- Charles Nicholas, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA
- Cecile Roisin, Universite Pierre Mendes and INRIA, France
- Christine Vanoirbeek, Swiss Federal Technical Institute, Lausanne